We offer a range of different services to suit the individual needs of the people we support. These include:
Long Term Care (Residential and Nursing)
Long-term care can include a broad range of personal, social, and medical services and support to ensure you / your loved one is supported to live safely, to live well and to live a meaningful and fulfilling life, regardless of a disability or physical or mental health need.
Respite Care
This service includes everything that would be involved in long term care but on a short basis. This can be offered to those living in their own homes with care support from family who may need some time away from the home for holiday, medical needs etc. It is also a good opportunity for you / your loved one to stay with us when thinking about their future care to see if we would be a good fit for them.
Day Care / Day Support
This will typically involve planned activities for older or working age adults, to support them with important aspects of social, health, nutrition and daily living. This can also be utilised for partners of those living within our service so they can spend some time together and have support with their own needs.
Outcome focused support to return to independent living
In the past we have supported individuals coming out of acute medical facilities either for their mental or physical health. We offer a stepping stone before returning to their own home. We can support in providing risk assessments and work in a way that highlights strengths where individuals may need support when living independently. For example, we can work with at home care providers to complete a detailed assessment to ensure needs are met when the individual returns home.
Domiciliary / Community Support
We have a domiciliary care agency. This is where we visit people in their own homes to help them with their daily activities to remain at home. Support we can offer is things like medication support, ensuring nutrition needs are met, Personal care, Outreach, supporting people to attend appointments, do their shopping or enabling people to have a good. Healthy social life.
One-to-One Support
We can provide One-to-One support to those individuals who may need it, for example if they require constant supervision due to physical or mental ill health. We can also provide this on an hourly basis to support to access the community for example.
Our mission is to provide the best care for over and under 65’s which works in unison with individuals achieving their own personal goals. Our services are set up to meet a number of support needs including –
- Dementia both at early onset and later, more advanced stages.
- Learning disability and Autism.
- Mental health support including those with substance misuse, eating disorders, Schizophrenia and bipolar to name a few.
- Acquired brain injury – Acquired brain injury refers to any type of brain damage that happens after birth. Causes of ABI include disease, blows to the head, alcohol and drug use, or oxygen deprivation.
- “Challenging behaviour” – This is a term used to refer to an individual whose behaviour is different to what is seen by society as “normally acceptable”. We believe “challenging behaviour” is a symptom and not an illness. This has meant we have had repeated success in supporting those with challenging behaviour, typically where there has been a history of moving homes as they have been unable to safely meet the individuals care and support needs.
- Frailty – We support older people who may have some level of frailty. This could be poor mobility for example. We work with health professionals such as OT’s and physiotherapists to follow exercise plans to promote better mobility.
- Nursing needs for terminal illnesses such as Parkinson disease and organ failure – We have trained registered nurses on site at our nursing home 24/7 and access to further support to support you or your loved with any conditions you/they may have. We have worked closely with local hospices to ensure that all wishes around palliative care are met.

We couldn’t have wished for better care and help…