Q – How can I be sure this is the right home for my loved one?
A – We encourage you to look at a few different homes and get a feel for them. It is good to see the communal areas and a bedroom, also ask to see the activities schedule, menu, service user guide. You can look for the latest inspection rating for care homes at www.cqc.org.uk and some homes are registered with www.carehome.co.uk where reviews can be left. You could consider a visit for a morning or a mealtime for your loved one and see how they feel.
Q – Will I have the opportunity to give feedback on my relatives care?
A – Absolutely! We encourage feedback both good or bad to enable us to see where we are doing well and where we can improve things for those using our service and their families. There are lots of ways you can do this.
Care plans are reviewed monthly and you will be invited to join in any care plan review, especially if your loved one is unable to do this themselves.
We hold regular residents and relatives meetings where you can share feedback and see what it going on within the home.
As mentioned above we are on www.carehome.co.uk and we would encourage you to leave reviews on there (please see a member of staff for a review form)
We also have an open door policy so if you ever need to catch up with staff or leave feedback just telephone or have a chat with them when you are visiting.
Q – Can my loved one bring their own personal items into the home?
A – This is highly encouraged, we want everyone to feel settled and like home so please bring anything that will help your loved one feel this way. When it comes to decorating individual’s rooms or the communal areas we also always seek the opinion of those living in the home.
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Q – Are there visiting times and can I go out with my loved one?
A – There are no visiting times and would like you to feel you can come at any time, you are welcome to go out with your family member or friend whenever you like, just liaise with staff so that considerations can be made for medication and other support that may be needed.
Q – What qualifications do the staff team have?
A – All of our staff are encouraged to complete an NVQ level 2 or 3 in health and social care. As a minimum all staff have completed the care certificate and complete annual training in all mandatory topics including, safeguarding, dignity and respect and person-centred care. We also offer further training in nursing associate degrees or clinical practitioner.
Q – My loved one is unable to go out, will they have access to other services?
A – We have a number of other services that visit the home, these include:
Staff to liaise with any specialist involvement needed for your loved one such as SALT team, OT’s etc. to ensure their needs are met.
Q – What to Expect when you or your loved one goes into a care home.
A – There is always an adjustment period when someone enters a care home. It is usual for someone to become slightly withdrawn or anxious whilst they settle into their new living environment and get to know the other residents and staff. Our staff will support you or your loved one to settle in. We use a keyworker programme so each resident has a named member of staff or two and we try our match to match people based on personality, interests and hobbies. Sometimes it is best to allow your loved to settle in for a period of time before visiting, other times keeping to your routine is helpful. Staff will support you to navigate the best way for the individual needs of your loved one.
It is also something to consider that when visiting your loved one you will be entering the home of other residents with varying needs. Everyone must be treated with dignity and respect. If you have any concerns you should speak with a member of staff.
You can always ask questions about you or your loved ones care. You will be encouraged to participate in care plan and risk assessment writing and reviews as this helps us create care plans that are personalised to your individual needs.
If you have any other questions that have not been answered here then please feel free to get in touch using our contact form or give us a call.